How to Create and Use Purchase Orders in Garage Hive

Purchase Orders are commonly used in Business-to-Business (B2B) transactions to simplify the procurement process and provide a clear record of the transactions. In this article, we will look at how to create and use Purchase Orders in Garage Hive.

In this article

  1. Creating a Purchase Order Directly from a Document
  2. Creating a Purchase Order from a Document Confirmation Worksheet
  3. Create and Email the Purchase Order from a Jobsheet
  4. Creating a Purchase Order From the Role Centre
  5. Receive Items Without an Invoice
  6. How to Split a Purchase Order Across Multiple Invoices
  7. Undo Receipt on Received Items
  8. Available Price Columns in Purchase Orders

Creating a Purchase Order directly from a Document

To create a purchase order directly from a document (Such as a Jobsheet, Estimate or a VI Estimate):

  1. Open the relevant document and scroll down to the Lines FastTab.
  2. Select the Type column as Item and, if you know the part number or the item is in stock, start typing the part number or description in the No. column.
  3. Use a Placeholder Item number, such as MISC, for items that you don’t know the part number. This will be the placeholder part number until you receive the items.
  4. Enter the quantity to be ordered in the Quantity column.

  5. Select the Purchase (Special) checkbox column on all item lines that need to be ordered, even if they are from different suppliers.
  6. Enter the supplier name to order from in the Vendor No. column. If there are several parts from the same supplier, enter the same supplier in all the item lines.
  7. If, on the other hand, some items are from a different supplier, enter the relevant supplier name in the Vendor No. column. This will ensure that separate Purchase Orders are created for each supplier.

  8. Select Parts from the menu bar, then Create Purchase Order(s). The purchase order will be created and its number will be indicated on the alert. If several suppliers are selected, an alert will be shown for each supplier.

  9. The Purchase Order(s) have now been created and are ready for the parts to be ordered. Click on the Special Order Purchase No. to open the Purchase Order.

  10. When you receive and post the Purchase Order for parts ordered from a Jobsheet, the Check column in the Jobsheet line is updated with a parcel icon (📦) to indicate that the items have been received as ordered.

  11. Click on the parcel icon, to open the Posted Purchase Receipt of the part.

  12. If the vendor selected does not have the items, or there is a problem ordering, you can unlink the document from the purchase order by selecting the Unlink From Purchase Document action under Parts in the menu bar, allowing you to create a new purchase order with a different supplier.
  13. Delete the lines from the previously created purchase order(s).

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Creating a Purchase Order from a Document Confirmation Worksheet

When creating a Purchase Order from a document (Jobsheet, Estimate and VI Estimate), there is also option of using the Confirmation Worksheet:

  1. Select Parts from the menu bar, then Confirmation Worksheet. A page with all of the parts added in the Jobsheet lines opens (excluding the labour).
  2. Select the Purchase (Special) checkbox column on all item lines that need to be ordered on the Parts Order Confirmation page and enter the Vendor No..
  3. Select Create Purchase Order(s) from the menu bar when done. The Purchase Order(s) has now been created and is ready for the parts to be ordered.

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Create and Email the Purchase Order from a Jobsheet

Instead of simply creating a Purchase Order from the Jobsheet, you may want to create the Purchase Order and email it to the Vendor:

  1. Ensure that the Purchase (Special) checkbox column is selected for the items you want to order, and that the Vendor is chosen in the Vendor No. column.

  2. Select Parts from the menu bar, then the Create and Email Purchase Order(s) action to create and email the Purchase Order(s).

  3. In the prompt ‘Do you want to send e-mail?’ select Yes.

  4. Select the option to use to select the document sending profile in the next prompt. Document sending profile includes predefined rules and settings that dictate how the documents are sent. Click OK.

  5. In the following window, compose the email in the Message field, enter the email address to send to in the To field, and when finished, click the Send Email action.

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Creating a Purchase Order from the role centre

This option is used when ordering parts not designated to a specific document, such as stock items. To create a Purchase Order from the home screen:

  1. Select Purchasing, and then Purchase Orders from the navigation menu in the home screen.
  2. Choose New from the Purchase Orders page.
  3. Start typing the vendor name in the Vendor No. field, and select from the list. If the vendor is not available in the system you can create a new vendor card.
  4. In the General FastTab, enter the vendor invoice number in the Vendor Invoice No. field, and ensure that the document date matches the invoice they sent.

  5. Scroll down to the Lines FastTab and add the items from the supplier invoice by selecting Item in the Type column and entering the part number in the No. column, or create an item card for items not in stock list.

  6. If you want to link the purchase order to a jobsheet, go to the General FastTab, then to the Purch. Source Type field, and choose Jobsheet.
  7. Select the Jobsheet to link to in the Jobsheet No. field, which is located below the Purch. Source Type field.
  8. Select Special Order from the menu bar, followed by Add Item Lines to Jobsheet action.

  9. You can now post the Purchase Order by choosing Posting and then Post from the menu bar.

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Receive Items Without an Invoice

When the items are received in the garage, without an invoice it is possible to first receive them in the system and then when you get an invoice you post them using the invoice. To receive the items first:

  1. Open the purchase order with the items to be received.
  2. Under the Lines FastTab, in the Qty. to Receive column, delete the quantity for the items yet to be received and leave only the quantity for the items to receive.

  3. In the menu bar, select Posting and then Post.

  4. Select Receive from the pop-up notification and click OK.

  5. The items that have been received will be added to the Quantity Received Column.

  6. After receiving the invoice, select Receive and Invoice for all items or Invoice for items already received and click OK.

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How to Split a Purchase Order Across Multiple Invoices

At times, it’s possible that the items listed in a Purchase Order will be delivered through multiple invoices. Here is how to effectively process the Purchase Order with the multiple invoices:

  1. Open the Purchase Order with the items to be received.
  2. Delete from the Qty. to Receive column, the quantity of the item that has a different invoice (or the invoice has yet to be received).

  3. Enter the date of the invoice in the Document Date field, ensure that the Posting Date is accurate, and enter the Invoice No. in the Vendor Invoice No. field.

  4. Select Posting and then Post from the menu bar.

  5. In the pop-up notification, select Receive and Invoice to receive and invoice the items in the vendor invoice that you have received.

  6. The Quantity Received and Quantity Invoiced columns of the items in the invoice are filled with the respective quantities. However, for the other items in other invoices, their quantities are still displayed in the Qty. to Receive and Qty. to Invoice columns, as the Purchase Order is still open.

  7. Repeat the procedure for all the remaining invoices, making sure to enter the correct Document Date, Posting Date, and Vendor Invoice Number for each invoice.
  8. After all the Items have been received and invoiced, the purchase order will be fully closed and posted, and will no longer be visible in the purchase order list.

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Undo Receipt on Received Items

  1. When you receive items from a Purchase Order but need to reverse the receipt. Open the Purchase Order with the items you’ve just received.
  2. In the menu bar, select Navigate and then Receipts.

  3. To open the receipt, click on the receipt’s No..

  4. Then, in the Receipt, scroll down to the Lines FastTab, select Functions, and then Undo Receipt.

Available Price Columns in Purchase Orders

The following price columns are available in the Purchase Order to indicate the various prices for the item as explained below:

  1. Direct Unit Cost - This is the cost of the item as purchased from the supplier.
  2. Line Amount - This is the total amount for all items in the line to be purchased from the supplier.
  3. Item Card Unit Price - This is the unit sales price for the item as it appears on the Item Card.
  4. Sales Doc. Unit Price - This is the unit sales price for the item as it appears on the linked sales document.

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See Also

Video: How to Create Purchase Orders in Garage Hive