There are several other ways to return parts to the vendor under warranty, but this is a common method.


A customer purchased a set of PAGID brake pads, but three days later, they contact the garage to complain about a loud squeaking noise coming from the pads. You instruct the customer to bring the vehicle back to the garage so the brake pads can be replaced with a different type.

How to Return Parts to the Vendor Under Warranty

  1. Start by creating a Purchase Order to order the replacement brake pads you’ll be fitting. Once the new replacement brake pads arrive, Post the order to confirm receipt.

  2. Create a Jobsheet for the customer as usual, adding the new replacement brake pads and the associated labour for fitting them.

  3. After completing the job as required, before you post the Jobsheet, create a Return Jobsheet for that customer and the vehicle. Enter the labour and the faulty parts originally fitted, then post the Return Jobsheet. This is to bring the faulty parts back into stock.

  4. After you have created and posted the Return Jobsheet return to the customers Jobsheet and adjust the Jobsheet for the new replacement brake pads to match the amount on the posted Return Jobsheet, then post the Jobsheet using credit terms.

  5. Open the customer’s card to apply the Credit Memo generated by the Return Jobsheet to the newly posted invoice, ensuring the customer’s balance is zero.
  6. Select Customer in the menu bar, then choose Ledger Entries from the Customer card.

  7. In the Customer Ledger Entries page, select the invoice you just posted, click Home in the menu bar, and then choose Apply Entries.

  8. Click Home, then select Set Applies-to ID, followed by Post Application to complete the process.

  9. Finally, create a Purchase Return Order for the faulty originally fitted brake pads that were returned to stock when the Return Jobsheet was posted. Post the return order and ship the brake pads back to the vendor.

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