Posted & Archived Jobsheets

Posted Jobsheets and Return Jobsheets

  • Posted Jobsheets This is where all posted jobsheets go.
  • From within the Posted Jobsheets, you can Correct Incorrect Payments.

  • Posted Return Jobsheets - This is where all Posted Return Jobsheets (Customer Jobsheet Credits) go.

Posted Sales and Purchase Invoices

  • Posted Sales Invoices - This shows a copy of all lines which have been invoiced on a specific jobsheet.

  • Posted Purchase Invoices - This is shows any purchases made within the Company, including any Utility Bills, Tyre Disposal Charges, any invoices which are not linked to a job.

  • Also, If a Purchase Order has been posted incorrectly either to the wrong , within Posted Purchase Credit Memos, you can Correct or Cancel a Purchase Order.

Posted Sales and Purchase Credit Memos

  • Posted Sales Credit Memos - This shows a copy of all lines which have been invoiced on a specific jobsheet.

  • Posted Purchase Credit Memos - You will be able to see any credits which have been posted from Vendors in here.

Posted Sales, Return and Transfer Shipments

  • Posted Sales Shipments - This shows a copy of all lines which have been invoiced on a specific jobsheet.

  • Posted Return Shipments - When parts are shipped to a Vendor, they go into a Return Shipment. If you need to cancel a shipped part, you can do this within Lines followed by Functions then by selecting the relevant part and selecting Undo Return Shipment.

  • Posted Transfer Shipments - If you are a multi branch location - This will show any Parts which have been transferred from one branch to another.

Archived Documents

Whenever a document is deleted, this is not gone forever. It is placed into the relevant archived file.

You can archive sales and purchase orders, quotes, return orders, and blanket orders, and you can use the archived document to restore the document that it was archived from.

You can archive sales and purchase orders, quotes, return orders, and blanket orders, for example because you want to save a copy of a document for reuse later. You can archive a sales or purchase document several times, saving a different archived version each time.

For archived documents where the original still exists and is not posted, you can use the Restore function to overwrite the original with the archived version of the document. This is practical if you need to restore the contents of a document to an earlier state.

For archived documents where the original is deleted, you can only reuse the content by copying the data, for example with the Copy Document function.

Types of Archived Documents