System Created Comments for Attention

Whenever there’s an automated interaction between the system and a customer, the system will generate comments that appear in the Comments Attention Tile.

These comments are prefixed with emojis to help you understand and prioritize them. Here’s a quick look at how these actions appear with emojis:

Let’s take a quick look on what each emoji means:

  1. ✅ - This means that the online job has been approved by the customer.
  2. 💷✅ - This means that the payment authorisation has been approved and payment received.
  3. 📞 - This means that the customer has requested a call back in the online document sent.
  4. 🔎 - This means that the customer has viewed the online document.
  5. 💷❌ - This means that the payment authorisation has failed.
  6. 🏦 - This means that the customer has requested a payment finance plan.

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