Cash Receipt Journals
Cash Receipt journals allow the user to record payments made to a customer’s account. To record a cash receipt journal, follow these steps:
In the top right corner, choose the
icon, enter Cash Receipt Journal, and select the related link.
Alternatively, you can access Cash Receipt Journal from the customer list’s menu bar by selecting Actions, then Cash Receipt Journal.
Choose the Cash Receipt as the journal template.
- This will fill in certain information in the journal, such as the Balance Account.
To complete the Cash Receipt Journal, you need to provide the following information:
- Posting Date - This is the transaction date.
- Document Type - Set this to Payment.
- Document Number - This will be preset by the system.
- Account Type - Set this to Customer.
- Account Number - Select the customer’s number in this field.
- Payment Method Code - Select the Payment Method Code, essential when using external accountancy.
- Amount - As you are crediting the customer, this should be set to a negative number.
- Bal Account Type - This will be preset by the system.
- Bal Account Number - This will be preset by the system.
- Applies-to Doc Type - If you are applying the payment directly to a document, select the type of document as Invoice.
Applies-to Doc. No. - Select which document here.
Double-check the information you’ve entered, then select Home from the menu bar, followed by Post to post the journal.