In this article

  1. Creating a Vehicle Inspection Checklist from Autodata
  2. Add Custom Checklist Templates at the bottom of Autodata Checklists

Creating a Vehicle Inspection Checklist from Autodata

When using the Autodata Service Interval Matrix, you may create a Vehicle Inspection Checklist with the data from Autodata, allowing you to generate a quotation for the customer.

  1. Select Lookup from the menu bar of the document you’re working on, then Service Interval Matrix. In the pop-up notification, click Yes.

  2. When the pop-up window opens, confirm the vehicle details by clicking Yes. If the details don’t match, click No and re-enter the correct details in the document.

  3. In the Service Intervals page, check the Include checkbox next to the Service Times and Service Intervals you want to include.
  4. From the menu bar, select Next.

  5. Select Create Vehicle Inspection from the menu bar on the page that opens.

  6. There will be a Vehicle Inspection Checklist created, with the template AutoData.

  7. To open it, click Yes on the pop-up notification.

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Add Custom Checklist Templates at the bottom of Autodata Checklists.

  1. When you want to add an additional Checklist template for each Checklist you create, in the top right corner, choose the icon, enter Autodata Setup and select the related link.

  2. Go to the Additional Checklist Templ. Code field and choose the template to use for all Autodata checklists. Close the Autodata Setup page.

  3. If you now create a Checklist from Autodata, it will include the additional template checklist alongside the one from Autodata.

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